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care mobility

Our mission is your wellbeing

Contact us

who we are

We are a service-oriented company that provides Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) with handicap accessible options, to and from medical appointments, diagnostic tests and procedures, for patients of all ages who need specialized vehicles and trained personnel to guarantee their safety and comfort in the areas of Tallahassee and surrounding areas

Contac us


We provide the service with our vehicles specially equipped for ambulatory, wheelchair, or stretcher mobilization that includes but are not limited to pick-up and drop-off to and from:

Doctor’s appointments



Rehabilitation centers

Specialized treatment centers

Imaging  and diagnostic centers

Pediatric and special needs facilities





Airport service


Adult day care


Nursing homes


Assisted living facilities

Contact us

For more information on how we can provide the service you require, call us at 407-426-4307 or contact us here